56 Unprovoked but expanding
Corporate-American Wars


Last edit: Friday, April 7th, 2023 at 7:39am
B. B. King - The Thrill Is Gone (Live at Montreux 1993)

America is fighting at least 56 unprovoked and avoidable corporate-American wars (economic and military aggression ranging from sanctions to contractors, mercenaries, troops and bombs) in Afghanistan, Algeria, Belarus, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Comoros, Cuba, Darfur, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gaza, Gulf of Guinea, Haiti, Hong KongIran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, LebanonLesothoLiberia, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, Nicaragua, North Korea, Pakistan, Palestine, Papua New Guineathe Philippines, RussiaSomalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, TurkeyTurkmenistanUganda, Ukraine, Venezuelathe West Bank, Yemen and Zimbabwe. 

These unnecessary wars impact more than 500 indigenous nations across the Americas.

None of these nations attacked the United States.  


These 56 wars enforce illegal private corporate extraction of resources, exploitation of everyday people and extortion collected from victim nations. These wars are not on the front or back pages of mainstream media, but economic sabotage, bombs, deaths, and destruction delivered by the CIA, the Pentagon and 16 additional intelligence agencies, services, contractors and mercenaries... continues.​

Innocent human beings in more than 56 victim nations continue to die for no good reason.

In at least ten of these nations, American bombs destroyed homes, families and livelihoods.  Others have been brutalized by political and military attacks: economic espionage, mercenary troops, contractors, murders and other provocations by American military and intelligence resources... to extract resources, exploit labor or demand extortion.    

This self-destructive imperialism has bankrupted America. 

See the source image
These unprovoked and avoidable wars
include more than
27 wars on Africa:

the secret U.S. war in Africa

This is American "colonialism" at work... 

The United States and the Fortune 500 continue 
to misuse American military and intelligence to
exploit labor and demand extortion from victim
nations on the African Continent. 

In Algeria, Burundi,
 Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros,
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Darfur,  Djibouti,  Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gulf of Guinea, Kenya,
Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, 
Niger, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Tunisia,
Uganda and
Zimbabwe … undeclared and avoidable wars continue.

America continues to fund and deliver at least 13 avoidable and unnecessary wars in the Middle East

These wars include:

Afghanistan, Belarus, Gaza, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, 
Pakistan, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine, the West Bank and Yemen.

These wars include:

Afghanistan, Gaza, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Palestine, Russia, South Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, the West Bank, Yemen and more... 

America remains at war in South-East Asia and in the Philippines. 

Map of Philippines


The United States exports sanctions, bombs and wars closer 
to home in Bolivia, Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

Map of Central America
American wars of aggression in Central America
(for extraction, exploitation and extortion) have
continued for more than 150 years. Residual effects
of these wars and dictators sponsored by the United
States, continue to drive people North.

The "American" (installed and supported) dictators, tyrants and kings in Central and South America
are why people seek asylum. The United States has become the terror.

At home, militarized police departments allow officers to kill unarmed citizens at will with zero accountability,
  two weeks paid vacations and get out of jail free cards. And our leaders export this aggression overseas with 
  illegal drones known to kill an average of 50 innocents per strike.”

And indigenous nations in North America continue to suffer attacks and indignities by the hands of colonial invaders.

History - CPMA 2017  


It is critical that we shut down corporate wars and reinvest in jobs with justice.
We can rebuild sustainable infrastructure and restore human resources by
choosing peace over war. These are the tasks at hand.

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We Tried to Take Back Armistice Day: Sunday, Nov. 11, 2018  in Washington D.C.