“Mei Mei” Wins Oregon Independent Film Festival
Best Historical Documentary Award
Dmae Roberts’ Personal Story Featured
at Clinton Street Theatre
Sept. 26th at 4pm

PORTLAND, Ore., Dmae Roberts, executive producer of MediaRites, a film a nonprofit organization that provides innovative, award-winning radio, theater and documentary programs, today announced that her film,
                  Mei Mei: A Daughter’s Story,
received the Best Historical Documentary Award by the Oregon Independent Film Festival.

find out more at:

Dmae wrote and directed the film, based on her 1989 Peabody Award-winning audio documentary about her Taiwanese mother and her personal story as a daughter separated by language and culture, yet bound together in life.

Mei Mei will be shown at the Clinton Street Theatre (2522 S.E. Clinton Street, Portland, Oregon 97202)
on Saturday, September 26th at 4:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased online at:

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(photo above features: Wynee Hu and Chisao Hata in "Mei Mei)

The Oregon Independent Film Festival will present Roberts later that evening with her Best Historical Documentary Award, which was filmed and produced in 2014. Mei Mei was screened at other film festivals across the country this past year, including the Mixed Remixed Festival (Los Angeles), Rainier (WA), Independent Film Festival, and Asian Americans for Civil Rights and Equality (San Francisco) and the Los Angeles Cine-fest. The film stars local actors: Wynee Hu, Chisao Hata, Elaine, Low, Samson Syharath, and Samantha Choy, and edited by T. Howard, with cinematography by Grant Abbett. Funding for the film project was provided by the Regional Arts and Cultural Council (RACC), Ronni Lacroute of Willakenzie Estate, and Indiegogo supporters.

About Dmae Roberts, Writer and Director of Mei Mei: A Daughter’s Song
Dmae is a two-time Peabody award-winning independent radio artist and writer who has written and produced more than 400 audio art pieces and documentaries for NPR and PRI programs. Her work is often autobiographical or about cross-cultural peoples and is informed by her biracial identity. Her Peabody award-winning documentary "Mei Mei, a Daughter's Song" is a harrowing account of her mother's childhood in Taiwan during WWII. Her most recent project has been Crossing East, the first Asian American history series on public radio which garnered a Peabody award. As the executive producer of MediaRites, a non-profit organization dedicated to multicultural arts production in radio and educational outreach, she continues her personal mission to create works that bring diverse communities together. Dmae teaches Nonfiction Filmmaking.
About MediaRites
MediaRites provides innovative, award-winning radio, theater and documentary programs. Previous programs include The Breast Cancer Monologues, Ellen McLaughlin’s Tongue of a Bird and the original stage play, The Time Between (part of The Grief Project)Restorative Justice Through Art, 2004; the eight hour-documentary radio series Crossing East; Coming Home: The Return of the Alutiiq Masks and In The Mix: Conversations with Artists Between Races. Our artistic documentaries have garnered two Peabody awards, several Asian American Journalists Awards, the Clarion, the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism award, and the Casey Medal. For more information, visit the MediaRites website: 
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More info about OIFF:

Find out more about the film and the radio documentary archive at

The Mei Mei Film and Archive  Project was funded by the Regional Arts and Culture Council and individual Indiegogo donors and Ronnni Lacroute of the Willakenzie Estate.