The Portland Alliance

Progressive Local News

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This story broke out in November of 2000. In the early 90's Police chief Mark Kroeker spoke before a group of Christian police groups. Audio tapes were discovered of this speech and so were some surprising comments.

November 2000

Chief calls "alternative lifestyle" perverse

"We are increasingly becoming a valueless, a lawless society, and we become so more as we move to that day 'alternative lifestyle' is being used for certain forms fo perversion."
- Mark Kroeker
"The New Social Disorder"

A few thoughts from Mark A. Kroeker

Read some of the actual quotes from "The New Social Disorder" & "Christian Leadership in a Leaderless World.

Kroeker's LA past raises serious questions

January 2001

Kroeker's continued silence alienates community

The chief's reticence to talk fueled the concerns of his critics and exasperated his supporters.

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