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“The shot that killed Darrien, which was straight in the back, did not have an exit wound,” Edwards told the Guardian. “It raises the question as to how you can lunge at someone and be shot in the back at the same time.”

“They killed my son because he’s black. No white boy with a little sword would they shoot while he’s running away,” Mrs Hunt told the Deseret News.

  The names of the officers from the Saratoga Springs Police Department who were involved in the shooting of Darrien Hunt (pictured) last week have not yet been released. Screen shot from CNN

Darrien Hunt was a 22-year-old African-American who was shot and killed by police officers from the Saratoga Springs Police Department in Utah on Wednesday. Officers say they responded to a report of a “suspicious individual” walking around with a “samurai-type sword,” and after they made initial contact with Hunt, he lunged at them while brandishing the sword.

Hunt’s family believes he was shot while running away, and according to family attorney Randall Edwards, an independent autopsy has found that he was shot six times from behind.

Read the rest:

Utah authorities alter account of Darrien Hunt shooting by police

Family lawyer says bullets came from behind and criticises ‘almost incomprehensible’ delay in questioning officers involved

Darrien hunt
Hunt’s mother, Susan, who is white, has accused the police of killing her son because of his race. Photograph: Facebook

Surveillance footage from a drive-through bank in Utah where a 22-year-old black man is alleged to have lunged at police officers with a sword, before fleeing and being shot to death, has been obtained by investigators.

Recordings made by surveillance cameras at the restaurant where Darrien Hunt eventually died last week have also been separately provided to authorities. The footage may shed light on whether Hunt was shot from behind while running away,

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