Jill Stein 3


         Dr. Jill Stein is running for President in 2024: A Peace Platform. 

Dr. Jill Stein is a mother, housewife, physician, longtime  teacher of internal medicine, and pioneering environmental-health advocate.  She is running for President of the United States. 

She is the co-author of two widely-praised reports,  In Harm's Way: Toxic Threats to Child Development, published in 2000, and Environmental Threats to Healthy Aging, published in 2009.  The first of these  has been translated into four languages and is used worldwide. The reports promote green local economies, sustainable agriculture, clean power, and freedom from toxic threats.

Her "Healthy People, Healthy Planet" teaching program reveals the links between human health, climate security, and green economic revitalization. This body of work has been presented at government, public health and medical conferences, and has been used to improve public policy.

Jill was born in Chicago and raised in suburban Highland Park, Illinois. She graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College in 1973, and from Harvard Medical School in 1979. Jill enjoys writing and performing music, and enjoys long walks with her Great Dane, Bandita. Dr. Stein lives in Lexington with her husband, Richard Rohrer, also a physician. She has two sons, Ben and Noah, who have graduated from college in the past few years.

But enough talk... listen to Jill!

“This speech is from the 4/28/2012 Rally at the SC Statehouse to Unite Against the War on Women. This rally was attended by 250-300 South Carolinians who are FED UP with the egregiously vicious attacks on women’s rights in SC and across the United States. Rally organizer, Chris Cherry, is a Columbia-area activist and advocate for the State’s many women’s groups, of which there are dozens. Chris works to ensure that all citizens of South Carolina are aware of the plentiful resources available to women and all our citizens to empower and enrich their lives.


4.  Published on Apr 1, 2015

Dr Jill Stein talks to the Conn. Green Party about Green Victories, endless war, the Middle East, student debt and many other issues.

This video is not authorized by any committee, for more information contact: http://www.gp.org


No Fear, No Compromise, and No Surrender!

More About Jill Stein

Dr. Jill Stein is a mother, housewife, physician, long time teacher of internal medicine, and pioneering environmental-health advocate.  She is running for President of the United States. 

She is the co-author of two widely-praised reports,  In Harm's Way: Toxic Threats to Child Development, published in 2000, and Environmental Threats to Healthy Aging, published in 2009.  The first of these  has been translated into four languages and is used worldwide. The reports promote green local economies, sustainable agriculture, clean power, and freedom from toxic threats.

Her "Healthy People, Healthy Planet" teaching program reveals the links between human health, climate security, and green economic revitalization. This body of work has been presented at government, public health and medical conferences, and has been used to improve public policy.

Jill began to advocate for the environment as a human health issue in 1998 when she realized that politicians were simply not acting to protect children from the toxic threats emerging from current science. She offered her services to parents, teachers, community groups and a native Americans group seeking to protect their communities from toxic exposure.

Jill has testified before numerous legislative panels as well as local and state governmental bodies. She played a key role in the effort to get the Massachusetts fish advisories updated to better protect women and children from mercury contamination, which can contribute to learning disabilities and attention deficits in children. She also helped lead the successful campaign to clean up the "Filthy Five" coal plants in Massachusetts, an effort that resulted in getting coal plant regulations signed into law that were the most protective around at that time. Her testimony on the effects of mercury and dioxin contamination from the burning of waste helped preserve the Massachusetts moratorium on new trash incinerator construction in the state. 

Jill has appeared as an environmental health expert on the Today Show20/20Fox News, and other programs. She was also a member of the national and Massachusetts boards of directors of the Physicians for Social Responsibility. Her efforts to protect public health has won her several awards including: Clean Water Action's "Not in Anyone's Backyard" Award, the Children's Health Hero" Award, and the Toxic Action Center's Citizen Award.  

Having witnessed the ability of big money to stop health protective policies on Beacon Hill, Jill became an advocate for campaign finance reform, and worked to help pass the Clean Election Law. This law was approved by the voters by a 2-1 margin, but was later repealed by the Massachusetts Legislature on an unrecorded voice vote.

In 2002 ADD activists in the Massachusetts Green-Rainbow Party approached Dr. Stein and asked her to run for Governor of Massachusetts. Dr. Stein accepted, and began her first foray into electoral politics. She was widely credited with being the best informed and most credible candidate in the race.

She has twice been elected to town meeting in Lexington, Massachusetts. She is the founder and past co-chair of a local recycling committee appointed by the Lexington Board of Selectmen.

In 2003, Jill co-founded the Massachusetts Coalition for Healthy Communities, a non-profit organization that addresses a variety of issues that are important to the health and well-being of Massachusetts communities, including health care, local green economies, and grassroots democracy.

Jill represented the Green-Rainbow Party in two additional races – one for State Representative in 2004 and one for Secretary of State in 2006. In 2006 she won the votes of over 350,000 Massachusetts citizens – which represented the greatest vote total ever for a Green-Rainbow candidate.

In 2008, Jill helped formulate a "Secure Green Future" ballot initiative that called upon legislators to accelerate efforts to move the Massachusetts economy to renewable energy and make development of green jobs a priority. The measure won over 81 per cent of the vote in the 11 districts in which it was on the ballot.

Jill was born in Chicago and raised in suburban Highland Park, Illinois. She graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College in 1973, and from Harvard Medical School in 1979. Jill enjoys writing and performing music, and enjoys long walks with her Great Dane, Bandita. Dr. Stein lives in Lexington with her husband, Richard Rohrer, also a physician. She has two sons, Ben and Noah, who have graduated from college in the past few years.

Please read the People's State of the Union address, in which Ms. Stein explains the crises we face, and details the Green New Deal agenda.  The address is 45 minutes long, and was recorded as an alternative to the White House's official State of the Union address. Think of it as the agenda that should have been put forward, and which still could be. Read by clicking here

You can view the video by hitting play below, or at http://vimeo.com/jillstein/greennewdeal

What’s going on with Jill Stein in 2024?


Posted by Jill Stein Team 10sc on November 09, 2023

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday 11/9/2023

Jill Stein Announces 2024 Green Presidential Run

Jill Stein announced today that she is seeking the Green Party nomination for President of the United States. Stein is a Harvard-educated doctor, a pioneering environmental health advocate, and a longtime organizer for people, planet, and peace. Says Stein of her mission in 2024: "I'm running for president to offer a better choice for the people outside the failed two-party system. We'll put a pro-worker, anti-war, climate emergency agenda front and center in this election and on the ballot in November."

Stein's run comes at an unprecedented moment in modern electoral politics, with an unsettled electorate and a commanding majority of Americans expressing a desire for a presidential candidate outside the duopoly. According to a recent Gallup poll, "sixty-three percent of U.S. adults currently agree with the statement that the Republican and Democratic parties do 'such a poor job' of representing the American people that 'a third major party is needed.' This represents a seven-percentage-point increase from a year ago and is the highest since Gallup first asked the question in 2003."

“With the war machine swallowing trillions of dollars as working people struggle to survive and the climate crisis accelerates, it’s time to offer voters a viable alternative to the bought-off politicians who have thrown them under the bus,” said Stein. “The ruling parties that got us into this mess aren’t getting us out. Both Democrats and Republicans have betrayed their promises again and again.”

“Political insiders always smear outsiders like us, and try to shame voters who want better choices,” said Stein. “But without freedom of choice in elections, there is no democracy. It’s time to offer the American people a real choice on their ballot independent of the failed establishment.”

Dr. Stein unveiled a campaign website at JillStein2024.com, laying out the campaign’s vision to solve the key crises of our time: crushing inequality, endless war and climate collapse. 

“When we stand together, we can provide living-wage jobs for all Americans,” said Stein. “We can guarantee an Economic Bill of Rights with the right to a job, healthcare, housing, food, education, and more. We can abolish student debt and medical debt. We can create a Green New Deal with millions of jobs to fight the climate crisis and protect Mother Earth. We can ensure Constitutional rights, freedoms, and justice for all. We can end endless war and rampant militarism, and use diplomacy and international law to end violence, occupation, and apartheid. We can build real democracy to empower the people. We do have the power. And we can use it in this election to start building an America and a world that works for all of us.”

CONTACT: LeBeau Kpadenou press@jillstein2024.com

Young Greens Rising

aca4“A major reason I got into politics is my belief that young people and future generations deserve a secure, green, livable future.

So I’m excited to announce we’re launching Young Greens Rising, our national student organization aimed at empowering young people to take back the future we deserve.”

~Dr. Jill Stein

Click here to learn more about our Young Greens Rising student organizing kickoff and how you can get involved.

Join the conversation about how together we can abolish student debt, make higher education free, create jobs for all who need them, eliminate systemic racism, end discrimination, shut down the drug war, hold police accountable and secure peace, progress and liberation with a Green New Deal!  All ships can rise.

peace-justiceWe are organizing hundreds of campuses, registering thousands of students to vote, and making sure young peoples’ voices are heard loud and clear in the 2024 election – and more efforts begin with you.

Whether you’re a student or not, please share this email with any young people you know to let them know about this opportunity to join our campaign for peace, justice and freedom.

Click here to RSVP for the Young Greens Rising kickoff on Facebook and invite friends!

news3-1Even if you’re not a student, please help us reach as many people as we can by sharing the facebook event page with any students you know.

As I told a room full of fired-up students at the recent New Jersey Student Power Conference, if the 40 million Americans saddled with student debt vote for the one candidate calling to abolish student debt, they can decide the outcome of the 2024 election.

It’s in our hands!”

More about Dr. Jill Stein

Some People who support Jill Stein…


If you are tired of wage theft, slave labor and working poverty… abandon the corporate cons and war-profiteers who have brought us twenty seven unnecessary wars, joblessness, and recession while sacrificing the peace to please munitions contractors. It is time to stand firm.


Dr. Jill Stein can provide the critical transition from exporting munitions, terror and war… to exporting knowledge, technology and medical and agricultural expertise… along with peace in our time.

Let’s allow her to help heal a nation in distress.noam_chomsky_jill_stein

“Stein is endorsed for President  by Noam Chomsky, a linguist, author and activist, and by Chris Hedges, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and war correspondent, among others. She is as real as it gets.”


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