Call them what they are, Monsters!

Monsters right out of childrens' most frightening books come to life in the real world.
Monsters who turn off water for families in Detroit. Monsters who frack the earth: poisoning water
and causing earthquakes. Monsters who deny medical care. Monsters who profit from bad food and drink.
Monsters who corrupt our elections with lies and bribes. Monsters who leave faulty cars on the road.
Monsters who say cigarettes are OK. Monsters who say guns don't kill. Monsters who knowingly lie
while our home, the planet, heats up ...

Monsters who move off-shore for cheaper production.
Monsters who profit on foreclosed homes.
Monsters who profit when prisons are filled up.
Monsters would leave women with no alternative to pregnancy
and bearing children but without resources to care for their kids ....

Monsters who deny school lunches to hungry children.
Monsters who cut food stamps for hungry families while adding subsidies for the wealthy. Monsters who make poor people pay for drug tests before they receive minimal social services. Monsters who would cut social security for the elderly and the disabled. 

Monster Koch and Monster Walton. Monster Scalia. Monster McConnell. 

Monsters who go to war on a lie: Monster Cheney and Monster Bush.
Monsters who do not hold Monsters accountable....

Monsters in suits. Monsters on TV and the radio crushing truth
while sponsoring hate. Monsters in skirts. Monster politicians with grins ...

Monsters with guns. They are killing US.

                                                                                                                                   Monster above from

Nancy Weaver says
"For a bio I would only say a few things:
Mother and grandmother with a degree in Sociology from West Virginia State University.  Retired from Portland State University, Department of Philosophy, department secretary."

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Vol. XXXV, Number 7 July 2015

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