Community Alliance of Tenants Portal at the NW Alliance
Tenant Education * Tenant Advocacy * Tenant Power

As you may know, 2018 was a big year for CAT! In our movement for housing justice, we reached a monumental landmark with the passing of SB608. Our membership has grown exponentially in the last year, and we've been diligently working to expand our hotline to serve members and non-members alike in multiple cities and counties across Oregon. Still, the fight continues for stronger tenant rights and we'd love to share a high-level picture of our plans to do so today.

We are excited to show you our 2021 Strategic Plan!

Our goals are driven by the feedback we have received from hours upon hours of meetings, focus groups, hotline calls, brainstorming, and conversations with you and members like you across the state. From that engagement, we know that we must extend our hotline hours to accept more calls and help more people, and make the hotline live. We must increase our people power to support renters in buildings or homes that are being unfairly evicted and/or living in unhealthy and unsafe conditions. We must align ourselves as members, volunteers, board members, and staff with a clear understanding our shared values and shared direction. And of course to do all this, we have to raise the money to make these things happen!

When you have a few moments, take a journey through our Tenant Power House, consisting of six main goals which - together - will aid in our part of the housing justice movement. 

  • Tenant Education — Launch a live hotline by 2020 with extended hours.

  • Tenant Power — Revamp membership benefits and requirements to present a more meaningful membership value platform for members.

  • Tenant Organizing — Expand locally-based organizing in rural counties in Oregon
    strengthening CAT's locally-based organizing in a way that consolidates power statewide.

  • Tenant Advocacy — Solidify the infrastructure and membership value of the Tenant Leadership Council (including trainings and political education).

  • Tenant Support — Launch a Tenant Support Services program to aid renters in rent-
    payments and other needs like affordable moving and cleaning help.

  • Administration & Finance — Expand donor and funder network to include larger regional and national funding sources, working with the deep relationships CAT has
    fostered over the last 22 years.

Make no mistake, we have quite the journey ahead of us. But with a robust vision we are all trying to achieve in the next three years we can do it and we can do it well. By continuing to build CAT as the organization renters in Oregon look to, we can be sure that the Tenant Power House will be a beacon of hope, a center for collective power building, and a pillar in Oregon's rental communities.

Here's how you can stay engaged with CAT and with the Tenant Power House:

Thank you for all your help as we continue to build this Tenant Power House!

In solidarity,



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